Sheffield Methodist District are holding a weekend of prayer and celebration on Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th July and we are all invited and urged to join in.
Our worship will include an opportunity to join with others in celebrating the ministry of the whole people of God. We will hear testimonies from those who are moving on to new stages of ministry, and hear stories of how mission is continuing through lockdown. Don’t miss this chance to join with others from around the District in praising God for his continued faithfulness to us.
download a printable copy of this leaflet here
Day of Prayer
On Saturday 11th July we are inviting you to join us in a day of prayer.
A message from District Chair, Revd Gill Newton
In these challenging lockdown days, when there is much in the news headlines to cause us anxiety and despair, we sometimes feel powerless in the face of such immense challenges. But the one thing we can all do is pray.
God’s word is full of encouragement to pray and particularly to pray together with others. So, even though we cannot physically meet at the moment, I want to encourage you to be part of this day of prayer in which many across the District will be sharing.
These are some thoughts about what you might pray for at each time of day, but please don’t be limited to these ideas. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide your prayers to where they are needed most.
Sometimes perhaps, we may wonder if our prayers make any difference! It’s not an unreasonable question, but whilst it’s difficult to be certain of the answer, we can be sure that if we’re not praying at all, we’ll make no difference!
So, please join us in prayer and if you feel able, share with us how those prayers are answered so that we might encourage one another with stories of where God is at work.
We encourage you to pray for our church and our world in the ways described below at this unique time. Perhaps you would like to join us at one or more of these times during the day:
MORNING (8.00am)
those personally affected by the pandemic and those leading us forward, locally and nationally.
..the wider world, where a global response to the pandemic is needed to bring the world together in a healthy way.
the Sheffield District and the District Staff – Gill, Neil, Sam, Alison, Katrin & Val; for the emerging District Development Policy and Mission Strategy.
AFTERNOON (1.00pm)
those experiencing loss: of a loved one; of employment; of normal human connections; of any kind.
the wider world, where poverty, racism, and injustice is destroying lives; those who work to bring relief from suffering.
the 8 Circuits of the District and their current and future life & mission; for all ministers and circuit leadership teams seeking to support and lead our churches.
EVENING (7.00pm)
those who work in the NHS and those working in Care Homes and other care facilities
the wider world, where the inequalities of wealth mean that access to health care is not always easy or possible.
each church in the District; for your Circuit; for your church and community; for help to fulfil “Our Calling”: worship, learning and caring, service, & evangelism.
A Day of Celebration
On Sunday 12th July we’d like you to join us in a celebration service which will be available to view on the Sheffield District website on the day. There will be more information nearer the time.